I dunno, Post 1?

Oh dear, this seemed like a good idea until I saw this blank page staring at me...

Why this blog?
Well, like everyone I have a running commentary in my head, which occasionally I share with people, usually at Christmas, or when I am traveling. In the past, I could put pictures and stuff where I wanted in my emails, but Gmail has changed, and now they all mob at the bottom. (Now how do I turn off the underline, and why did it turn on in the first place. This might be a steeper learning curve than I thought.) Success! Now where was I, oh yes, pictures.

Pictures all clumping at the bottom is not satisfactory when you want explanations to accompany the images, so maybe a blog might be a better option, since I want something that I can get to from both my laptop and my phone. And maybe sending it out might be easier than the painstaking typing in of the many many email addresses on the mailing list, which took longer this winter when I was in Ecuador, than writing the email in the first place! I also need a journal of some sort to jot down ideas, things to do, project notes, and so on. We'll see how that goes. I was never good at that whole 'dear diary' thing. Travel logs seem to work well for me, so I'll start there, and we'll see what happens. My journey through life, I guess.

So this will be a collection of posts, some published, some not, on whatever strikes my fancy. It will be ecclectic. It may only be interesting to me. That's okay. Maybe I will just turn off the comments. The only people I expect to ever read this already know how to contact me!


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