I really wish it was an April Fool's prank

 Sometimes things live down to your expectations. Back in 2009, I remember Rio Tinto was full of plans for a new revamped modernized employee benefits program. Lots of company meetings to explain our marvelous new choices, and perks. We could choose to pay extra for more health insurance! I remember that one of the changes was a change from scheduled indexation to 'ad-hoc' reviews. I remember being dubious at the time about the whole package (downright suspicious was closer to the mark. Companies never give you more benefits) but as it turns out, I never had the chance to choose anything. It was from Olivier that I learned to be suspicious of a company's 'good' intentions, and now it seems that 'ad-hoc' was code for 'never'.

Later, during my exit ('exit' implies 'voluntary', and my leaving the company was not in any way 'voluntary') meetings, I was given 'the chance' to leave my pension fund with RTIT. At that time, I was pretty disillusioned with QIT, and opted to take my money and run. I remember the HR person (I think it was Martine) hiding her surprise. She clearly thought the company plan was a good bet, but I did not grow up in Sorel, with QIT, the ever-present father company. I had seen other companies in Sorel fail, leaving their employees and retirees in the dumpster. This, even before the imploding of Sears Canada.

13 years later, I look like a genius. 

This does not give me any pleasure.

I wish them luck. 


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