Belated greetings to all!
Yes, I know I am late getting this written. Unlike previous years, 2022 was quite momentous for me. Perhaps my changes were less earthshattering than those in Ukraine, but still, my life in December 2022 is very different than it was December 2021. The downside is that I have much less mental energy to spread around. It got to the point where a friend sent me a message last week to make sure everything was okay because it had been so long since she had heard from me! So I figured that I should make the effort and send out belated greetings. My new target is to get this done before we go back to Ecuador in February...
Having a few days off will hopefully let me catch up on a few things, like hemming the pants I had sitting in my sewing room since September. (I am finally wearing them now, I figure that is a good sign!) I think everyone has heard about my adventures in Ecuador last February, so I won't repeat them here. I finally made it home, not in time for my Godmother's funeral, but that positive COVID test meant that I was able to cross the border to make it to Connecticut for my aunt's funeral a week later. It was nice to see the cousins, and I got to impose on my brother in Troy NY for a few days as well.
A month later, it was announced that the garage where I worked was closing. No, not because I took a 6 week leave! It had been for sale for years, and the right offer finally came along, so by June I was back into the soul crushing world of interviews, and rejections for nonsensical reasons, but then lightning struck. A retired colleague of Serge phoned to tell him that a non-profit where he was volunteering on the Board was in desperate need of an accountant/administrator/director/whatever-else-needs-doing-in-the-office person, and would I know anyone? Well, Serge was happy to volunteer me sight unseen, but as it turns out, I love it. It is a small non-profit organization that manages a complex of 8 appartment buildings. We don't have subsidized housing, but since all profits must be put back into the complex, everything is well maintained and the rents are relatively low.

Sarah has also had an eventful time, she started back at school this fall, and realized that she just wasn't feeling it for nursing anymore. She enjoys the patient care, it was the advanced nursing stuff that didn't excite her, (you know, the needles and all the paperwork), so she is changing to specialized education, at a French cégep no less! Due to timing, she was left with a very light load last term (one course. Techniques in art. Yes, drawing, painting, and plasticine), but before we could complain about certain kids sponging off their parents, she had gone out and found a job with a company that provides at-home nursing services.
She is enjoying the one-on-one patient care, and she can continue part time this coming term as she wraps up some of the general required courses for a cégep diploma in English, before she switches to the new French curriculum in the fall. She is enjoying life with spending money, and spent a week in Cuba just before her passport expired.

Jeremy is still working his way through his Mechanical engineering degree. I am not sure exactly what year he is in any more, (Co-op messes things up somewhat), but I think he has another year. At any rate, he is starting to talk about doing a Master's degree, so he must be getting close to the end! He and Serge had a 'man-cation' over the Labour Day weekend. They did something called the 'Via ferrata' in the Saguenay.
Jeremy's reaction was "I don't believe I just did that. Let's do it again!" Serge's reaction was "I really should have read the brochure more closely!"

Serge continues on at ArcelorMittal. He is frequently stressed, but never bored! His parents continue on in their own house, with help from Jeremy who is living there almost full time now. We did make it up to Ottawa (during the 'snow bomb' no less, or as someone pointed out, 'winter in Canada') but Eric, who lives closest, did not! His children are now in school, and brought home a nasty bug for the holidays, so we have a picture from June:
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