How to make Canadians jealous

We went to the grocery store today for ingredients for soup, and what I hope will be chili like. They don't have chili powder here, because they have many different pepper based spice blends, so I chose one that was about the right colour, and we'll hope for the best! After that we hit the market for fresh veggies. $3 for this lot:
Opted for fresh tomatoes after last year's purchase of what I thought was crushed tomatoes turned out to be sweetened like ketchup! We feel safe getting market vegetables because they will all be cooked thoroughly. All the gorgeous strawberries and cherries we see are big nono's until we have more control over the water to wash them. 

Oh, and just in case you though my life was too good, here is a screenshot of the weather this morning:
Not exactly sunbathing weather! The afternoon was quite comfortable but it will cool off very quickly once the sun goes down about 6pm. How do they heat their houses you ask? Extra blankets on the bed.

We are off to Apuela tomorrow where it will be a little warmer, and a lot wetter. Ciao!


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