Off to a freezing start

It was going too well. The day started at -29°C, which is usual for the start of any winter trip we take south. Serge had even managed to check in without too much frustration.

So I was feeling confident, even a bit smug, because I was packed and ready to go. So obviously something was about to go wrong. Zipped up the suitcase and it wouldn't move. Further inspection revealed that the wheels are shot. No problem. I trotted downstairs to get Serge's old case. Hmm. Same problem.

A quick trip (well, ½ hour each way, this is Varennes after all) to buy a new suitcase, hopefully there would be something at Costco.

But, remember that -29? Yep. Car wouldn't start.

Dug out the battery charger, hooked up the car, set it to maximum, waited a bit, and nada. Really didn't want to start. Fortunately, Serge got home then, so I now have a shiny new suitcase that rolls, but by dinner time, the car was trying, but the motor still couldn't fire. Uh oh.  Jeremy was supposed to drive us to the airport in that car. It's smaller, so it fits in my in-laws' driveway. Not possible with the Niro.

Plan B, Serge went looking for an unoccupied EV charger, nothing close, so he ended up driving into work! Got back at 9, having skipped dinner, and wouldn't you know, the Jetta started! A hungry stressed Serge is a touchy thing, so Jeremy and I stayed very quiet and let him stomp upstairs to finish his packing! We went out to rig a drop sheet over the open car hood instead because falling snow on a car motor and plugged in charger did not seem like a good idea.

Anyway, Plan A was back in effect, and the car started without a hitch this morning. Of course it was only -18° which seemed quite reasonable after the last few days!

Changing planes in Panama was an adventure again, but we made the connection, just. Serge 'doesn't want to discuss it' but then keeps bringing it up. I think he wants me to take up long distance track or something.  Umm, nope! Hopefully, he'll have his sense of humour back tomorrow. We are now tucked up in a B&B with a fabulous view of central Quito, and Serge is already asleep. Me too.  Buenas noches!


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