February 9, 2022 Well, getting the COVID test turned out to be a bit more challenging than expected as locale was suddenly turned into a construction zone, resulting in some last minute arrangements which involved confused guards, conflicting directions, and a lot of walking, but everything did work out and our noses were eventually assaulted with long q-tips. The REAL surprise was that Serge tested negative, as expected, but I somehow tested positive. We'd basically been together 24/7 for two weeks, so it is all a bit mysterious. It wasn't a false positive either because I had an antigen done at a different laboratory the same evening. Yep, positive again. I have my suspicions where I might have picked it up, and if they are correct, I haven't been contagious in nearly a week, but rules are rules, so I am still in Ecuador for another couple of weeks. I will get myself tested again then, but a test will be no longer necessary in order get home. Even the hyper cautious Canad...